Pilgrimage to San Sebastian de GARABANDAL
Have you heard about the Pilgrimage to San Sebastian de GARABANDAL?
My experience was so spectacular that I just had to share it, as probably many of you don’t know about it yet. I hadn’t heard about it either until my sister told me about her experience.
San Sebastián de Garabandal is a village located in the mountains of Cantabria in northeastern Spain. It was one of the poorest villages in the district, but one of the most religious.
It’s very famous because between 1961 and 1965 the Holy Virgin Mary, using the image of Our Lady of El Carmen, appeared approximately three thousand times before four girls: Conchita González (12), Mari Cruz González González (11), Jacinta González González (12) y Mari Loli Mazón González (12). They were all friends but had no kinship.
I had the privilege of going to Garabandal after 5 months of confinement, where I had been completely alone.

It was very tough as the pandemic hit just after my dear father passed away. I can’t explain the huge void he left and the terrible sadness I felt.
I had a very special and beautiful connection with my dad. I had always feared my father passing away ever since I was little, and now as grown woman that fear was even greater.
All the effects of the pandemic began soon after, affecting us all in every way imaginable: personally, professionally, and even spiritually.
Wow… The mental stress had been immense! I was extremely tired!
Well, I’ve told you all this story so I could say that it was immensely satisfying to have done this short Pilgrimage to the Virgin of Garabandal because, even though it was not very long (approximately 40 minutes), what you get in return in terms of inner peace when you reach the pine trees and the Virgin, is much greater than the distance walked. I really did not want to leave, I wished I could stay and live there.

I did my Pilgrimage with my heart and mind fully open and thirsty for hope and FAITH.
I later found out that the Virgin of Garabandal is famous for healing hearts and souls. Now that I think about it I can say that I returned to the hotel with great inner peace and a feeling of relief that I can’t really put into words.
I went on Sunday July 18th, precisely on the day of the celebration of the 58th anniversary of the Miracle of the Visible Communion. I would call this a “Godincidence”.

It was a true blessing for me. At the start of my Pilgrimage my heart was in need of solace, encouragement, and above all hope.
When I arrived up to the pine trees and saw the Virgin, I sat down in the first place I saw and started to cry. I was overwhelmed but felt immediately protected and loved. Maybe it was my own need that made me feel this way, I don’t know, what I do know is that it was a true blessing.
I was very grateful to the Virgin for the beautiful trip she had granted my son and I and for being able to get there. I then begged her to help me, to give me strength, to illuminate me when it was time to make decisions, to take away the fear I was feeling, to make me accept things by pitting my trust in her. I urgently needed to regain and fortify my FAITH so I could trust that everything was going to be ok.

I did not even blink as I felt incredibly connected to the Virgin, who was giving me the chance to be heard. I felt her closer than ever before. It was a very endearing moment, and the connection was beautiful.
I asked and prayed for her to help me fill the huge void in my heart my father left when he passed.
It was all so amazing, I even had the good fortune to arrive just when the nuns, who sing like angels, were reciting the Rosary. A very moving experience.
In that magical spot everything felt more meaningful. I felt inner peace and a great feeling of relief that words fail to describe.
The next day I returned to Madrid filled with hope and joy. The whole trip had been perfect and I felt much stronger!
Three days later, on Wednesday July 22nd, I woke up with a very clear idea that I should temporarily move to Aruba. I shared this thought with my family and they all agreed and said it was a great idea. That very same evening I made the decision and on August 9th I left. So here I am, working from home near the sea and my family. Nothing could be better!
I am convinced that it was the Virgin, who sent me this idea from her heart. She made me act on that instinct in precisely the right moment.
It was perfect timing: my daddy gave me the freedom to fly and lit the way to where I was supposed to go.
It’s the first time I have ever made a decision so quickly and thinking only of MYSELF. I am experimenting and starting a new “Way to myself” filled with gratitude to the Virgin. My faith, hope and joy for living are now stronger than ever.

If you want more information, I recommend this website and watching the movie: http://www.garabandal.it/