Welcome to our new Pilgrims Blog – A new side of Marly Camino

Posted on September 18, 2013

We want to welcome you to this new side of Marly Camino: our very own Pilgrims blog. We were looking for a new way to get close to you and share our thoughts, feelings and hopes so we decided to open this space where we can share with you, invite you to join us and together spread the joy of the Camino.

Ligia’s time on the Camino

When we first started Marly Camino we never dreamed it would be this good, it was in April 2004. When Ligia needed something to keep her going and make her remember the good things in life. She was going through a very difficult period in her life when all the problems started to pile up. She decided to walk, clear her head and take herself away form negative situations, she came across the Camino and her life completely changed.

“The Camino for me was something that really made an impression and I can say that it helped me get over some really hard times and make important decisions. Now the Camino gives me too much joy, offering it to so many people and feel their experiences makes me a believer that the Camino is really a gift from god”. Ligia Muci

With that experience Marly Tours was born that later evolved into Marly Camino, a company that wants to share the virtues that the Camino has to offer and make it as transforming for other people as it was for her. Her wish was to offer people an opportunity to live that inner experience and to show that if we are open and willing we can accomplish many changes in our lives and since its creation she has made sure that this happens. With the incredible help of her daughter, Samantha, and an amazing team of guides and drivers, Marly Camino keeps growing and becoming a beautiful project. This blog is just another way of letting you know what an amazing place the Camino is: an internal quest, an eternal joy and a bond with people you never imagined.

In the Pilgrims blog we will share with you interesting information, facts about the Camino, our experience in it and, most importantly, love. Love for what we do, for our allies, for every yellow arrow that guided and got us this far and for you, our devoted pilgrims to which we owe so much.

Pilgrims blog

Welcome to this brand new face to Marly Camino, we are so thrilled you guys are here!

We want to invite you to share your Camino experience!. Everyone that has been a Pilgrim knows and feels the meaning that the Camino has for each and every one of us. That is why we want to invite you all that together we can create “Our Footprints Along the Way”.

For us, listening and feeling all of the experiences that our Pilgrims had make us believers of the blessing that the Camino can bring. This is why we want all of you to commit to sharing your feelings and let other people take benefit from your experience.

Share your story in the pilgrims blog

We want you to share your story: tell us who or what brought you to the Camino, tell us the best moments you lived on it, and what place it had in your life. We want to know it all: if something wonderful happened, if it changed your life, if you enjoyed it, if you learned and if your steps guided you towards the right way. What are the roads that this experience opened up for you? You are welcome to send a photo with it that is representative of your experience.

There are no rules, just write whatever you feel. We will create a compilation of all the Camino stories and send them as a ‘digital experience’ for you to enjoy.

Imagine that you are telling us your experience in the Camino, where would you start?  Gather all the anecdotes, the motives and changes, the coincidences lived, the best memories and help us make an amazing pilgrims blog called: “Our Footprints Along the Way”.

A big hug,

The Marly Camino Team



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