Why did the Christian Kings encourage the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela?
Each person has the right to have their beliefs as something personal, it is something that is learned and internalized with age and therefore patience is needed, to endure the many challenges that arise in our lives.
In the case of the Catholic religion, almost always certain sacrifices must be made with the physical body to purify the soul, at least this is what many documents of this institution establish, which is why thousands of people are carried along the road to Santiago towards a more spiritual path.

Beyond our belongings on this earthly plane, the meaning of the Camino de Santiago speaks of growing as people and sacrificing many of the comforts we have to achieve a quieter, healthier life, from a broader perspective, then this will make a big difference in your routine.
It is also necessary to know a little more of its history to know its importance at a cultural level, because the time in which this pilgrimage takes place is sacred for all Spaniards and for the city of Santiago de Compostela, which is the point of arrival after weeks of walking.
What is the Way of St. James?
In principle, we must establish that it is a large number of routes designed by the Catholic Church to get from cities in Spain and France to Santiago de Compostela, where the remains of the Apostle St. James rest and is considered one of the most important religious pilgrimages in Europe.
It usually has a duration of approximately 4 or 5 weeks, understanding that when walking everything must be calmly and good hydration is needed because of the inclement sun during the midday, there are many precautions to take in these different times.

Training for months is required to achieve this goal as well as knowledge of all the places you are going to be in order to make reservations for hostels or restaurants to at least have certain basic conditions. The Camino de Santiago is an important part of the culture and religion, as well as an engine in the economy of these small towns, so if you need to reaffirm your faith, this is the best possibility for your reunion with God, to understand from another perspective how important it is to have someone to believe in without doubt and in turn praise.
How was the road to Santiago born?
It has been documented since the ninth century how the remains of St. James, the Apostle, were transferred from the Holy Land to this small village, where he was first worshiped in a small church but this phenomenon spread throughout the continent.
This incidence of people coming from everywhere was what made a small town was created around the church, reaching what it is today, practically a city to which about 200,000 pilgrims come every year and generate great income at the same time for its inhabitants.
It is important to note that the priests of that time were responsible for making the basilica that we know today, also making this Apostle in the patron saint of the town, that is, almost everything in the town revolves around this show of faith, even in economic matters, so many years of efforts have been providing positive results.

Religious fervor has a lot to do with what we perceive when we see pilgrimages even before some virgins in other countries, are signs that it is good to disconnect from technology and daily obligations, as well as helps to see who we really are.
Importance of the Kings in the diffusion of the Way of St. James
We must understand that history has shown how massive the Catholic religion is, that regardless of borders there are people willing to invest their time in the great pilgrimages, so it is important to know why this is extremely special.
It must be established that this phenomenon begins with the local Church, but later the various Kings became involved in the whole process, seeing the importance it had, especially in the Christian Kings, who were trying to consolidate everything they did in the Spanish peninsula at that time.
Following the idea of the Kings and the faith, they took the time to promote from all their means this journey of weeks to the town of Santiago de Compostela, mainly because their routes also functioned as a method of mobilization of goods, food, crops, weapons, everything that was needed in cities that crossed the roads.
For them it also had much to do with the demographic growth that was achieved with the pilgrims, who fell in love with these towns and stayed there to live, expanding the economic movement of all the spaces, they began to live from tourism.
One of the motivations for this trip is that with all the sacrifices that the travelers made, all their sins should be forgiven, that is to say, they would have an indulgence and for this reason they do not hesitate to go.

Although currently this is no longer a pillar on which to travel, it is more of a tourism adventure, to know spaces without any kind of luxury, to walk, to exercise and to know a historical place for the Spanish, there are many factors that are related to this issue for hundreds of years, which could encourage and create a greater impact with what is religion.
In short, going back to the idea of the Christian Kings, for all this era, the Camino de Santiago worked as an alternative for the growth of all the places and at the same time they confirmed their popularity with the people, both elements of the equation were benefited from the phenomenon caused.
The architects of this were to a great extent the priests of the time, who worked hand in hand with the leaders and this achieved a good job in favor of the growth of all Spain, attracting more and more fervent believers of Catholicism, which until today is one of the most important religions in the world.