Typical dishes of the Camino de Santiago
All pilgrims who make the different stages of the Camino de Santiago are amazed by the gastronomy of Spain, specifically Galicia.
In this post we are going to talk about 10 incredible and tasty typical dishes of the Camino de Santiago that you can find on your pilgrimage.
They are not only 10 typical dishes, but 10 more reasons that we give you to decide to do the Camino de Santiago and enjoy all these delicious delicacies.
The delicious Galician empanadas are distinguished by their interior, that is to say, by their ingredients. These can be: tuna, octopus, meat, cod … Always accompanied by a delicious fried onion and peppers.
These empanadas are made in all parts of Galicia, so no matter where you make your pilgrimage you will always find a piece of empanada waiting for you.

Did you know that there are many festivals to honor this delicious delicacy? Below, we will highlight the 2 most important festivals:
– Fiesta de la Empanada (Chatanda, Lugo): The festival is celebrated on the last Tuesday of August.
– Feast of the Empanada de trigo de Cordero (Valga, Pontevedra): The feast is celebrated during the end of August.
2. Seafood.
Within this product we can find a huge and varied quantity, such as mussels, scallops, barnacles, prawns, spider crabs, crabs, octopus, etc..
To prepare them, they are simply put in a pot to cook and then eat, it is as simple as that.

Seafood can be found all over Galicia. But it is true that, if you want the freshest product of the area, we recommend that you make the pilgrimage to areas near the coast, such as the English Way and the route to Fisterra and Muxía.
3.Galician octopus.
This dish is a hallmark of Galicia. It has a simple preparation: pot with hot water, put it in for a few seconds and take it out, 3 times, and let it cook for a time that will depend on the weight of the product. Once this process is finished, cut it, add salt, paprika, oil and eat.
There are areas of Galicia that are very famous for their quality when it comes to making Galician octopus. One of these places is O Carballiño (Ourense), although there is no route of the Way of St. James that passes through this town. Another very famous place that is on the route is Melide, specifically in the stage that joins the Primitive Way and the French Way.

Some famous festivals in honor of this dish are:
– Octopus Festival (O Carballiño, Ourense): This festival is held in early August on stage 31 of the French Way.
– Octopus Festival (Mugardos, A Coruña): This town is very close to Stage 1 of the English Way. This festival is celebrated at the beginning of July.
4.Clams “A la marinera”.
This recipe is very characteristic in this autonomous community.
As we have mentioned before, this product can be found in many places. Although if you want a product as fresh as possible we must go to the Galician coast.
5.Galician stew.
What differentiates this dish from other similar dishes is its raw material, since in Galician stew the following ingredients are used: turnip greens, cabbage, Galician potatoes, local chorizos and pork shoulder.

This dish can be found in Lalín. This town is located in Pontevedra and is famous in the community for its great elaboration of Galician stew.
6.Galician broth.
This dish is one of the best known of Galician gastronomy. Its main ingredients are: vegetables, potatoes, white beans and pork fat.
The Galician broth is made all over Galicia, since it is a warm dish for the cold seasons. Therefore, pilgrims who decide to venture on the Camino de Santiago in winter, should look for this dish to recover energy.
7.Padrón peppers.
This dish consists of very small peppers with a strong flavor. This product is originally from San Francisco de Herbón (Padrón).

8.Galician Bread.
This product has since 2017 the title of Protected Indication of Origin. This is due to its crunchy crust, spongy crumb and abundant and irregular honeycombing, which is handmade with soft wheat flour.

9.Galician cheese.
This product has several Denominations of Origin due to its incredible quality and flavor, these are: Arzúa-Ulloa Cheese, San Simón da Costa Cheese, Tetilla Cheese and Cebreiro Cheese.
Each cheese has its own territory or featured locality, except for Tetilla Cheese which is made throughout Galicia. These places are:
– Arzúa-Ulloa Cheese: Arzúa (A Coruña). Location within the French Way (Stage 31).
– San Simón da Costa Cheese: Located within the territories of the region of Terra Chá in Lugo, where Vialba is located, a locality within the Northern Way (Stage 29).
– Cebreiro Cheese: It is located in the province of Lugo, in O Cebreiro. This locality is within the route of the French Way (Stage 26).

10.Galician Wine.
Although it is not a dish, Galician wine is worthy of mention as it has come to have up to 5 Denominations of Origin.
These are: Ribeiro, Valdeorras, Rías Baixas, Monterrei and Ribeira Sacra. All of them are located in the southern part of Galicia: Ourense and Pontevedra.
Almost all possible routes of the Camino de Santiago pass through the beautiful Galician vineyards, so you will always have the opportunity to taste these wonderful wines of Galicia.

As you can see, there are delicious typical dishes within the gastronomy of Galicia. Surely we have not mentioned many other products that deserved to be named. If you know of any other, do not hesitate to tell us about it.
Now that you know some of the typical dishes of the Camino de Santiago, what are you waiting for to schedule this fantastic trip?
Remember that 2021 is a Holy Year and we can organize your Camino to your liking. Besides, you have the maximum flexibility of cancellation.
¡Buen camino!